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United States Service Dog Registry

The United States Service Dog Registry offers registration services for service dogs and educates the public by disseminating reliable materials and information.

Date18 October, 2022Share


The Challenge

United States Service Dog Registry contracted Xendek to develop a new brand identity and website that would effectively market their dog registration services as well as top-notch knowledge and supplies. The United States Service Dog Registry wants to inform the public about the value of service dogs, so Xendek must come up with a potent search marketing strategy to deliver this


The plan

Create a new logo for United States Service Dog Registry that reflects the organization’s modernity. To inform the public about the value of service dogs and to give them access to reliable information and supplies, create an interesting website that details their services. In order to assist handlers in times of need, the website needs to provide some more content pages with ID lookup functionality. There is also a section of FAQs with answers to some of the most typical queries about living with a service dog.

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